August Schedule
No sales calendar this month. I have decided since I am unsure of my vacation dates, as well of the date of my childrens day care...
Faerydale Summer packet for kids
Save these images to your computer, print off and color. Return your scavenger hunt items for a special prize. Packets are available in...
Fairy house Tour
Join us in Salem New York up and down Main street for Faerydales first Fairy house tour! All along the street, hidden under flowers,...
End of winter Bag sale
March 6th and 7th only we will be having a HUGE bag sale! All Long sleeved tops, sweaters, jeans, pants, LS PJs, LS dresses, boots, hats,...
March sales calendar
#marchsales #faerydale #salescalendar #fairydale #fairydale #robynscutt #salemny #12865